Current projects - Tischner European University
Current projects

Current projects

The aim of the project is increasing the internationalisation of the educational process and the availability of the international curricula of full-time undergraduate studies at the Tischner European University in Kraków for the foreign and Polish students through the creation and implementation of an international curriculum for full-time undergraduate studies at the Business Linguistics Faculty and for an international summer school for 15 foreign and 10 Polish students, as well as through inviting 2 lecturers from the USA and Norway to be instructors in the educational process.

Project realization date 01.03.2017 – 31.12.2020.
Project value 1 399 302,00 PLN
Project grant 1 357 322,94 PLN

“Lingwistyka dla Biznesu – Let’s go global” project co-financed by the European Union from the European Social Fund under the Operational Programme Knowledge Education Development 2014-2020.


Since July 2018, the university has been implementing the development project “WSE = Uczelnia 2.0”, which at the very beginning was rated as one of the best in Poland – out of 100 universities it was ranked 5th in the overall classification!

In October, the first students of the User Experience speciality started their studies, which is the result of the work of the substantive team. Starting from Academic Year 2019/20 withing a frame of the project students could have chosen a new field of study – Game Design. The implemented project has enabled the university to achieve ambitious goals, purchase of new equipment and software used during classes.

The aim of the project is to strengthen the potential and quality of education at Tischner European University. It will be achieved thanks to the implementation of integrated activities in the field of creating a new field of studies, a new specialization and modernizing already existing education programs based on national and regional needs of social and economic entities, raising the competences, management optimization and support organizational changes at the university and raise the competences of teaching staff, management and administrative staff of TEU.

Objectives of the project:

  • Preparation and launch of a new Game Design faculty for 96 people
  • Preparation and launch of a new speciality of User Exercise for 48 people and modification of existing courses – enriching their programs education with new elements in the form of business simulations – decision games.
  • Strengthening students’ competences (the last 4 semesters of studies) in the context of socio-economic needs in the region and the country.
  • Increasing the competence of the teaching staff of TEU through the implementation of trainings / conferences (including foreign ones).
  • Increasing managerial competence of the management and administrative staff of TEU
  • Support of university’s IT management tools and the creation of open educational resources (educational platform).

Project implemented by TEU for a total of 46 months, from 01.2019-10.2022. The project aims to develop a training program and implement the didactic and practical cycle (as part of paid professional internships) at first-cycle studies (total of 6 semesters). Thanks to the implementation of the project, the education process at TEU will be strengthened, which will positively affect its quality, the management of potential and the teaching capacity of the university. As a result of the project, interest in higher education will increase, and the university’s cooperation with the socio-economic environment will be deepened. The project is part of the strategy of adapting curricula to the needs and requirements of the modern labor market.

The main goal of the project is to increase the competences of 24 TEU students of undergraduate studies in the field of Advertising Graphics and Multimedia in the field of digital graphics / illustrations, through the development and implementation in cooperation with employers of an innovative Digital Art speciality that responds to diagnosed needs an economy, labour market and society and is consistent with the assumptions of the Regional Innovation Strategy for Małopolska 2020.

Involving employers-practitioners in the process of creating a new speciality program, developing teaching materials based on industry experience and in implementing the entire education cycle in a new scope and form allows the University to prepare new staff for the creative industry in accordance with the expectations of employers.

The aim of the project is to support the institutional and organizational capabilities of TEU in the area of ​​servicing foreign students and academic staff. The project is directly dedicated to the teaching and administrative staff of TEU, as well as to students and teaching staff from abroad.

The key results of the planned activities include:

  • specialist training  in English and Russian for the academic and teaching staff of TEU;
  • professional training in foreign customer service;
  • translating the university’s internal files into English;
  • developing a guide for people from abroad;
  • preparation of film tutorials;
  • preparation of English-language labelled buildings and rooms of TEU;
  • developing an English-language board game;
  • organization of 2 international conferences;
  • organization of cyclical
  • intercultural meetings.

The project provides support for the development of key competencies corresponding to the needs of the labour market, economy and society through 435 pupils (aged 6-18) through the preparation and implementation of the University of Young Student education program.

„The Ambassadors of the Tischner European University – International Alumni” project aims to implement a strategy (model) related to the development of cooperation with foreigners and the creation of a group of the TEU Ambassadors.

For this purpose, it is necessary to introduce improvements and modifications to communication channels that are used for contacts, e.g. with foreign graduates of the TEU.

These people express their willingness to cooperate with the TEU in the field of promotional and informational activities and want to stay in contact with the University. They also take advantage of other educational services, such as second-cycle or post-graduate studies.

The project provides for the implementation of the following tasks:

  1. Organization of the International Meeting Points (Inauguration of the Academic Year in English, an Open Day, a series of meetings with foreign graduates and students).
  2. Organization of the International Contact Points (researching the fate of foreign graduates and thus maintaining contact with them).
  3. Development of the TEU’s IT tools (modification of the mobile application and the website).
  4. Preparation of an e-learning course on the basics of the Polish language in cooperation with a foreign graduates.

Project value: PLN 49,994.

The Project is financed by the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange under the International Alumni Programme.

The “Stay in Touch” project aims at modernizing the offer of 4 universities: Tischner Eropean University (Poland), Athens School of Fine Arts (Greece), Universidad de Castilla – La Mancha (Spain), University of Information Technology and Management (Poland), by preparing, testing and implementing an innovative programme of trainings addressed to students and staff of Graphics (and related) studies of 1st and 2nd cycle in the form of an International Summer School and an International Teaching Academy, and preparing a dedicated set of teaching materials (e-learning courses, multimedia lectures, podcasts). The project will engage not only students and the academic environment of the four universities, but also representatives of education, state and local government administration, NGO, media and creative industry experts.
Implementation period: from 01.October 2016 to 30. April 2019


The aim of the project “E-Government 2.0 in practice” is to create an innovative, interdisciplinary training program on e-Government, which will provide a new quality in the higher education, at the level of both learning content (using the ICT by the administration, e-participation etc.) and tools used in teaching.

One of the most relevant area of energy cooperation is the energy market with aspects of interconnection and liberalization. This is also crucial from the perspective of energy security. Because of the political differences it seems that the common infrastructure and legal regulations could strengthen the V4 cooperation and accordingly to protect the energy security of the V4.

Therefore, the idea of the project is to analyze the energy market(s) in the V4 region in practice and includes:
1. integration of the knowledge regarding ENERGY POLICIES of CZ, HU, PL, SK + EU: to identify energy convergences/divergences within the V4 – mix, dependency, goals, choke points, in order to answer the doubt whether the V4 cooperation could be still possible and valuable and under what assumptions

2. integration of the knowledge regarding ENERGY MARKET of CZ, HU, PL, SK + EU: to analyse EU goals & to confront them with national roadmaps, especially in the field of GAS MARKET (infrastructure, liberalisation and energy stock exchange etc.) and ELECTRICITY MARKET (infrastructure, transmission/distribution losses, smart grids, capacity mechanisms, energy stock exchange, wholesale market, liberalisation, etc.) within the V4 region

3. identification of EXTERNAL ENERGY BEST PRACTICES: in order to provide best non-V4 practices, Nordic energy market will be analysed.

Implementation period:
from 01.09.2015 to 31.12.2016

Expected outputs:

  • 4 expert seminar: Kraków, Prague, Budapest, Bratislava
  • 1 international conference in Kraków
  • academic monograph
  • numerous media activities (CZ, HU, PL, SK + ENG)


  • POLAND: Tischner European University – the coordinator
  • HUNGARY: Centre for Economic and Regional Studies, Hungarian Academy of Sciences
  • SLOVAKIA: Center for European and North Atlantic Affairs
  • THE CZECH REPUBLIC: EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy

Project (ID: 31510098) is co-financed by the International Visegrad Fund within the strategic grants programme. Priority: Interconnection and Liberalization of Energy Market in the Visegrad Region in Practice.

Konrad Szpak (

This project is implemented by TEU Research Centre

More details

Despite being geographical, historical and cultural neighbours, the Visegrad countries are far from realizing their full potential for successful cooperation. It is especially evident in the case of insufficient infrastructure in the fields such as 1) energy and 2) transport. This incapability is also visible on the European level where they perennially fail to protect their common interests against the bigger EU players.

Objectives of the project:

  1. identification of infrastructure challenges faced by the V4 countries
  2. development of relevant policy papers in the fields of 1. ENERGY and 2. TRANSPORT with relevant recommendations for decision-makers
  3. dissemination of the results

Implementation period:
from 20.01.2015 to 30.11.2015

Expected outputs:

  • 2 expert seminars
  • interactive map of V4 infrastructure challenges
  • academic monograph
  • media activities (CZ, HU, PL, SK + ENG)


  • POLAND: the Jagiellonian Club – the coordinator
  • POLAND: Tischner European University
  • HUNGARY: Centre for Economic and Regional Studies, Hungarian Academy of Sciences
  • HUNGARY: Századvég Foundation
  • SLOVAKIA: Centre for European and North Atlantic Affairs
  • THE CZECH REPUBLIC: Association for International Affairs
  • THE CZECH REPUBLIC: Prague Security Studies Institute

Project (ID: 21420186) is co-financed by the International Visegrad Fund within the standard grants programme.

Konrad Szpak (

This is project implemented by TEU Research Centre


  • Identification of barriers and driving factors
  • Expert seminar
  • Scenario three day work-shop at TH Wildau, Germany
  • Three foresight scenarios
  • Implementation workshop at TH Wildau, Germany
  • Final workshop at TH Wildau, Germany

Implementation period:
from April 2014 to March 2015


  • GERMANY: Technical University of Applied Sciences in Wildau – the coordinator
  • GERMANY: ZAB ZukunftsAgentur Brandenburg GmbH
  • GERMANY: IHK Bildungszentrum Cottbus GmbH
  • GERMANY: Landkreis Dahme-Spreewald
  • FINLAND: Finland Futures Research Centre, University of Turku
  • POLAND: Tischner European University

More about the project: here

Konrad Szpak (

This project is implemented by TEU Research Centre

GRIFFIN – a new English-language specialization in International Project Management offered at M.A. in Applied Linguistics

The project aims to develop and launch an English-language specialization in International Project Management offered at M.A. in Applied Linguistics, as a pilot in Poland, building upon a methodology of edutainment and gamification (e.g. quests, webquests, games, simulations).

The new specialization, unique to the Polish education market, will enhance linguistic and cultural competencies of students along with their project management skills – developed so far separately at 2 different study programs. In that way it will meet the increasing labour market demand for project managers fluent in at least 2 foreign languages.

The project, implemented in cooperation with Buskerud and Vestfold College University, will serve the internationalization of the university by enriching its English language program offering, developing quality culture (quality assurance tools), supporting faculty competence building (study visits, workshops, joint publications and materials) and links with business.

Project supported by a grant from Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the EEA and Norway Grants and co-financed by the Polish funds.

Our main products:

GROWing game

Managing projects TOMORROW. Challenges in international projects.

GRYF on Youtube

More about projectclick here.


“Islamism and Pluralism – The Islamist Movements in Egypt and Tunisia after the Arab Spring” is a 3-year research project financed by the National Science Centre.

The major goal of the project which started in July 2013 is to analyse the effects of the change of the political opportunities structure after the fall of Ben Ali and Mubarak on the Islamist movements in Tunisia and Egypt. The multidisciplinary research team made up of sociologist, political scientist and Arabist will look in particular into the outcomes of the Arab Spring accompanied by the political and philosophical pluralism onto the change of the mobilization structures and framing process of the Tunisian an-Nahda, Egyptian Ikhwan Muslimin and the Hizb an-Nour.

The project team led by Konrad Pędziwiatr is implemented also by Rachela Tonta (PAN) and Zofia Sawicka (WSiZ).

This webpage will consist of the thematic materials produced in the course of the project:

  1. Kultura i Polityka – Arabskie rewolucje i kontrrewolucje
  2. Turbulent Muslim Renaissance in Tunisia

phone: 12 683 24 63 (74)

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31-864 Kraków

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